*Local charity shops are great places to find a used blender or food processor!
*With recycled paper the options are endless! Some people use gift wrapping, junk mail, or even homework after a successful semester!
*Local pollinators like butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees need their favorite plants to thrive!
How to Make
Seed Bombs

*Customize your seed bombs by using cookie cutters
*Turmeric and Cinnamon are antimicrobial and help prevent mold from forming on your seed bombs!
*The dryer your seed bomb the better!!
*Spending time in the garden and planting things is great for your mental health! How did this activity make you feel?

Cómo hacer bombas
de semillas

Creating a
Upcycled Garden
We used a nail and hammer to punch holes in our plastic liter bottles.
Why do we care about limiting our use of practice in everyday life? There are many time we are not going to be able to avoid the use of plastic, so why not try to limit the amount we use when we have the option?

An alternative to plastic liter bottles for those who dont buy them are glass bottles. It takes a special drill bit to make holes and a special saw to cut bottles in two, but the end product is so cool!
How would you do this project differently if it was on a larger scale?
Make Your Own
T-Shirt Tote
This Activity focuses mostly on creativity and little supplies or materials.
Some people would consider painting their new tote bags to express their creativity.
What would you do differently to accommodate someone who has different abilities than you?

Measurements don't have to be exact. You can get creative!
By repurposing something and giving it a new life, you directly reduce the size of your carbon footprint.
Easy How-To
Butterfly Craft
The Ugly Mug Cafe in Soquel is a great place to get large coffee filters for this project. Just tell them you're doing a craft by The Nature Lodge!
We would love to hear about the journey you went on with your butterfly! Share your story @the_nature_lodge instagram page today!

Eucalyptus groves are prefered by monarchs because of the trees leaf clusters one of the trees aid in protecting them from the elements.
Santa Cruz is one of the stops made by Monarch Butterflies on their long migration. You can see the, seasonally at Natural Bridges State Park.
Butterfly Garden
Freedom Nursery is a great place to get native plants butterflies love! Check out what they have in stock.
The Home Depot and other home improvement stores gove their paint sticks out for free! Locally I would suggest Ace or The Home Depot.

Repurposing things to help bale your garden is a great way to put your personal touch on your own space while being earth conscious.
Natural Dyes

Beeswax Wraps